16 November 2010


UPDATE 15NOV2010: Via Theo Spark, it appears that the TSA has a new travel book for the kids:

Just in time for the holiday travel season, too. And speaking of holiday travel, if you are planning to fly anywhere on 24 November don't forget it's National Opt-Out Day. More on that, here and here. Remember to tell your traveling friends.

MORE UPDATE 15NOV2010: Here are some recent TSA horror stories (in the reader comments), and one reader's (MAR51) suggestion that I think would put a stop to all of this mess in a Chicago second:
Maybe the entire Obama family can get patted down on TV just to show us how non-invasive it is. Yes, the are patting down children! Let's see how Obama feels watching his daughters and wife get groped while he must stand there and smile.
But if that doesn't work to rein in this insanity, then I agree with this - abolish the TSA.

MORE UPDATE 15NOV2010: 'Big Sis' Janet finally responds to this issue, using all of the Washington bureaucratic-spin lexicon she can. Clifford's Notes version of her piece: "We say it's good for you. Shut up and take it". This apparent justification for Janet and pals getting in our pants seems very interesting:
"And the weapons and other dangerous and prohibited items we've found during AIT screenings have illustrated their security value time and again."
Really? Exactly what "weapons and other dangerous and prohibited items" have been found, Comrade Secretary? How many? When? Has a single act of terrorism been foiled by your magic machines and your invasive procedures? Ever??...

UPDATE 16NOV2010: Michael Graham of The Boston Herald nails it - lead by example, Madame Secretary:
OK, fine, Janet. I’ll do it. Only, you go first.

I want you to zip over to Reagan National and, on live cable TV, go through the full body scan - with the images available for broadcast and our review. Since it’s no big deal and it’s all for security, I’m sure you won’t mind setting the suck-it-up example.

And after that, you can step over to the personal screening area for what you euphemistically call a “pat-down.” We’ll all watch as a female TSA employee does to you what she did to American grandmothers over this weekend.

I’ll do whatever the TSA says, and without complaint, as soon as I see Janet Napolitano do it. Until then, I’m fighting back.

UPDATE 16NOV2010: Tat for no tit: The man who refused a scanning strip-search and a TSA groping is now being investigated by the TSA. Why? Because of this tidbit Comrade Janet the TSA aren't saying too loud:
When he tried to assert his rights, Tyner was told by a TSA supervisor on tape, “By buying your ticket you gave up a lot of rights.” (emphasis mine)
Oh, really? What rights do we give up? Since criminal penalties and fines in excess of $10,000 are involved, I think it is incumbent on TSA to make the airlines disclose, Miranda-like, exactly what rights we give up when we buy a ticket - and the consequences thereof. I'm sure that won't hurt ticket sales during the holiday season...

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