29 December 2010

Born Free.

I'm not a big fan of Obama-worshipping Lefties, but if this guy does what he says, maybe it will shut-up the Birther idiots. But then again, knowing the tin-foil hat paranoia that infuses most of Birthers I know, it probably won't.

While I do not like Barack Obama as President, and I think he is (and will be) a disaster for this country, I've seen nothing definitive that shows he does not met the Constitutional qualifications for the office. And we - that is, the Citizens of this nation - elected him.

Respect the office, not the man (or, someday, woman).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

More to the point, I've seen nothing definitive that shows he does meet the Constitutional qualifications for the office. I should think that proving a positive would be much easier than proving a negative, but Obama and the democrat party have spent millions of dollars trying to avoid providing that proof.
However, I am not certain that Biden would be less of a continually unfolding disaster.
On the other hand, much of the legislation Obama has signed would be invalidated (in lieu of an article 26 ;-) ) and not to be revived by the new congress if he were unqualified to hold the office.
I expect that Obama is a citizen, but that exposure of his actual ancestry could dampen his chances of re-election.
