13 November 2008

All The Bias That Fits, We Print.

Remember that "Sarah Palin thought Africa was a country, not a continent" story that made the rounds a few days ago? Well, it turns out it was a lie. A purposely made up lie by some filmmakers:
MSNBC was the victim of a hoax when it reported that an adviser to John McCain had identified himself as the source of an embarrassing story about former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, the network said Wednesday.

David Shuster, an anchor for the cable news network, said on air Monday that Martin Eisenstadt, a McCain policy adviser, had come forth and identified himself as the source of a Fox News Channel story saying Palin had mistakenly believed Africa was a country instead of a continent.

Eisenstadt identifies himself on a blog as a senior fellow at the Harding Institute for Freedom and Democracy. Yet neither he nor the institute exist; each is part of a hoax dreamed up by a filmmaker named Eitan Gorlin and his partner, Dan Mirvish, the New York Times reported Wednesday
The Blue Media, who has already deemed Gov. Palin little smarter than a caribou, ran with it because.....
Gaines told the Times that someone in the network's newsroom had presumed the information solid because it was passed along in an e-mail from a colleague.
It must be true because it was in an email??? Boy, THAT'S professional. Let's hope these morons don't know any "colleagues" in Nigeria needing to move some money...


mousestalker said...

I'm waiting for the day one, just one, of the Democratic sock puppets that constitute the MSM apologizes to Governor Palin for running with this story. It's a litmus test for ethics, in my opinion, to admit an error, and the means and manner of apology show just how important ethics is to the pundit.

I fully expect a chorus of crickets, which is exactly what is wrong with the MSM.

Unknown said...

Unfortunately, the stories from the leftist illuminati like this one are the ones that will not be corrected in the mainstream. Sad.