27 February 2008

Dianetics Uber Alles.

We always suspected Scientology as being a bit of a rip-off, but now it appears it literally was - from a 1934 German treatise.

The original German author of 'Scientologie 1934', one Dr. Anastasius Nordenholz, co-founded in 1904 with Alfred Plotez a periodical called, 'The Archive for Racial and Social Biology, Inclusive of Racial and Social Hygiene'. With thinking like that, it's not surprising his treatise on "Scientologie" would appear in Germany in 1934, considering who came to power in Germany in 1933 with all of their wacky "scientific" ideas about biology and race. The English translator of 'Scientologie 1934', Woodward R. McPheeters, even says of Nordenholz' early writings, "I have since speculated that I was looking at the basic source point for the Hitler theories...."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All the world waits with bait on it's breath to learn what Tom Cruise thinks about this!! Consequential stuff this. 'Bout as consequential as Scientology itself, to be sure.