16 June 2007

Cry "Polity!", and let slip the excuse of General Convention

The Executive Council of The Episcopal Church (tm) has finally responded to the requests made of The Episcopal Church (tm) by the rest of the Anglican Communion - and they told 'em to get stuffed. Well, not that directly. They spent several paragraphs talking about "polity", waiting for General Convention in 2009, and responding by not responding. Chris Johnson has done a first rate fisking of their "commitment" here, so no reason for me to blog about it.

Brad Drell thinks that there is more than a bit of paternalistic racism in the Council's response. I agree. The most vocal questioning of The Episcopal Church's (tm) current stands come from the Third World - especially Africa.

The Executive Council also claims to "support the process" of the development of an Anglican Covenant. Read that part carefully. They support the "process". Support for the actual Covenant itself? You gotta be flippin' kidding.

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