17 May 2010

The Beheader's Veto Again. (UPDATED)

Swedish cartoonist stands up for free speech. Attacked at a lecture last week, house firebombed this week. You would think the Lefties who defended Andres Serrano with such vigor (as I did, on free speech grounds - ed.) would at least say something supportive. But no...

We at RSR believe in free speech, and your right to know. We post; you decide. So here is the cartoon that some believe deserves such violence:

Is it stupid, childish, and provocative? Yep. Do we at RSR believe Mohammad is a dog? No. But the right of all to speak freely is fundamental.

UPDATE 18MAY10: Its not just Islamofascists who hate free speech. The Left ain't too fond of it anymore, either.

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