05 May 2010

"Catnip For Crazies".

Frank J. pens today's required reading. It's about Ron Paul and the Paulapaloosers, so you know it'll be entertaining.
And these were the thickest people you’ve ever encountered; it was just impossible to make them understand how off-putting their over-the-top love for an odd little man from Texas was. They’d just come at you with the supposed Gandhi quote: “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” Which is a stupid quote; I make fun of chimpanzees at the zoo, but that doesn’t mean that next I’ll be fighting them, and then Planet of the Apes will happen for real. Still, there was no reason to get too angry at dense, silly people, but then I started to realize how many of them are white supremacists, anti-Semites, and truthers — basically everyone the MSM likes to pretend the tea partiers are — and my patience started to run very thin.
My sentiments exactly.

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