17 March 2008

The Episcopal Church Claims The Rainbow.

02 September 2010: I have no reason why this two year-old post is getting such attention (pray, someone tell me...), but a hearty "Hello, Eh" to all you Canadians who have been stopping by here today.

Welcome StandFirm readers! Gald you could make it. I tidied up a bit, (I even dusted behind the archives) so make yourselves at home and have a look round.

This was Sunday. (WARNING: Do not have coffee in your mouth when you open this link, or your monitor will need a cleaning.)

This was Monday....

"NEW YORK - A Federal judge today issued a temporary restraining order against The Most Rev. Katherine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, saying she can not wear or display her "rainbow" mitre in public.

Bishop Jefferts Schori wore the multi-colored mitre during this last weekend's Palm Sunday celebration.

The order came after lawyers for NBC, the National Broadcasting Company, filed suit in Federal court saying the mitre is strikingly similar to their "peacock" logo and infringes on their copyright. NBC has used the peacock logo for more than 60 years.

A spokesperson for The Episcopal Church said they were surprised at the action, and would quickly ask the judge for a voice vote of "all the attorneys present" to reverse his ruling. Dennis Cannon, the attorney for the Church, had initially argued that NBC's claim was actually "theft." Since the rainbow of visible light is "God-given," he reasoned, it is therefore held in trust by the Church as God's agent on earth. "Individual colors may leave the spectrum," the Church's lawyer said, "but not whole rainbows."

Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori said that in the meantime she may return to her initial "color of sunrise" mitre, or try out a new "color of depositions" mitre that has been in the works for some time.

A final ruling by the judge on this case is expected sometime this summer. Weather permitting."

OK, the Monday bit isn't real. The Sunday bit is, alas, all too real.

UPDATE: The post has been modified to provide a link to the image in question, not the actual image. If there is anything The Episcopal Church has an overabundance of, it's lawyers; and if there is anything they lack in abundance, it's a sense of humor.


Anonymous said...

Mais oui, Le Mitre. That's French for "oven Mitt".

Zana said...

I would be laughing out loud if I weren't crying so hard inside.

Milton said...

TEC does read the reasserter blogs! The photo you describe is GONE from TEC website, you can only see it on Google's cache of the article. Going to the current EL page of that same date has the photo replaced with another graphic and the story moved. Har, har, har!

Paul said...

Hey, the Canadians have been visiting because a friend of mind posted this as a link on my Facebook wall. I was ranting about the Presiding Bishop and her infamous hat and he found this. So that's why your site's been dripping with Maple Syrup these last couple days.

.....CLIFFORD said...

Thanks for the heads-up, Paul. I was worried I had offended your Human Rights Commission. They don't seem to like Americans very much, or our potentfully hurtful free speech protections.