14 July 2008

A Simple Country..... Blogger.

Dear readers, the Simple Country Bishop™ World Tour (Lambeth playdates), is being liveblogged by.... the Simple Country Bishop™ himself! Really. If you want to follow his it's all about me attention-getting progress, the address is (and I am not making this up):


mousestalker said...

Oh noes!

mousestalker said...

More didactically, there are 1850 words on the front page of his blog. Bishop Robinson refers to himself 99 times. So every nineteenth word is a self reference by the simple country bishop.

.....CLIFFORD said...

From some fellow named Chaucer:

And now, sith I have declared yow what thyng is penitence, now shul ye understonde that ther been three acciouns of penitence. The firste is that if a man be baptized after that he hath synned, Seint Augustyn seith, "but he be penytent for his olde synful lyf, he may nat bigynne the newe clene lif." For, certes, if he be baptized withouten penitence of his olde gilt, he receyveth the mark of baptesme, but nat the grace ne the remission of his synnes, til he have repentance verray. Another defaute is this, that men doon deedly synne after that they han receyved baptesme. The thridde defaute is that men fallen in venial synnes after hir baptesme, fro day to day. Therof seith Seint Augustyn that penitence of goode and humble folk is the penitence of every day.

Do you think he'd get irony, Matthew?

mousestalker said...

Probably not.