19 October 2008

Don't dare question The Messiah.

"Joe the Plumber" asks Barack Obama a troubling question, to which Obama gives a very troubling answer. So who's questionable past does the Mainstream Media focus on? If you said the guy who is not running for President, you'd be right.

Watch the video where Joe and Obama talk. Notice also that Joe never says he currently makes $250,000 (he wants to buy a company that makes that), and also note that Obama says he wants to eliminate the capital gains tax.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So an average everyday person can't ask a candidate a question when the candidate invades HIS neighborhood without the Obama-mania media delving into the voter's past. If the media did half the digging on the Messiah that they did to the plumber, the Messiah wouldn't have nearly the halo he thinks he has.

Capt. Deacon Warren