07 October 2008

A Programming Note.

OK, enough. Enough with presidential politics. Enough with The Episcopal Church (tm) politics. Enough with politics politics. It's October, which means in a few weeks your humble blogger will step out of it all for a bit, cease posting for a few days, and get things back in perspective.

I do this by going annually to Manresa House. Along with my father, I go for a three-day silent men's retreat run by the Jesuits. It is one of the most intense and satisfying things I do in my spiritual life (being there with my dad makes it all the better, especially since he's celebrating his 75th birthday this year). For 72 hours there's no phone, no Internet, no worldly distractions to get between between you and the Lord. If you get a chance, I highly recommend it, or something like it, to re-focus on what is truly important in life and walk little closer with God.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled rants and shockers.

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