27 November 2009

The Elite Man's Burden.

Michale Barone suggests that Team Hopenchange's ultimate goal is to remake America into a European social democracy, ah la, France. An ironic return to the old country.

I think Barone's right. If you look below the surface, Europe still works on the ancient social organization model that our ancestors fled - that of benevolent lord / grateful vassal - though they have replaced the divine right of kings with the divine right of elites. But the vassals though - that's you and me - are still seen as just that - great ignorant masses that need to be pacified and ruled; to be controlled for our own good. I believe the ultimate goal of this Congress and the Obama administration is to get that control, and their party, locked in place before they loose the opportunity.

They no longer see us, the People, as their masters - but their vassals. Why else would they be so tin-eared to our opinions?

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