01 April 2010


Remember during the Bush years when The Left / Mainstream Media largely ignored these kind of things, excusing them as free speech and "patriotic" dissent? No one at CNN, or CBS, or NPR, or The New York Times, seemed to panicked about it. But now that The Left / Mainstream Media are on the receiving end, dissent is suddenly a grave threat to the Republic.

The next time you hear some CNN news-babe get her thong all in a knot because a Tea Party protester had a sign comparing Obama to Hitler or Stalin, or call his policies socialist, remember what Bush 43 - and other GOP presidents before him - have had to endure without the the Fourth Estate saying much of anything.

From Hot Air, which has more here.

UPDATE: As you watch the video at the link above, notice how how much the anti-war Kucinich Left of yesterday sounds like the anti-war Ron Paul Right of today. Paranoia, aparrently, is non-partisan.

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