17 November 2010

Enhanced Logic Of The Police State. (UPDATED)

Oh, sorry. I meant the TSA:

Thanks to Comrade Janet Napolitano, our family - and I suspect millions of others - will be driving this holiday season.

UPDATE: Comrade Janet and Team Hopenchange don't get it, but Free Range Anglican does:
Faced with the minuscule chance of having to confront a terrorist on an airplane or the guarantee of being repeatedly assaulted in an airport every time I try to travel, I'd rather deal with the terrorist. If I defend myself against the assault of a TSA agent, I'm going to jail. If I defend myself against a terrorist, I'm a hero.
And FRA has the image that puts it all into, um, perspective:

(image: david wolf / flywithdignity.org)

UPDATE 18NOV2010: Here is a link to Flying With Dignity. How sad it is that we need such an organization.


Free Range Anglican said...

I just wandered in from your comment on my site: (For your readers, the photo comes from flywithdignity.org). There is so much to love about your blog! Glad I found you.

.....CLIFFORD said...

FRA: Glad you like it . And, I'm glad I found yours. You shall, for good or ill, find a place on my blogroll.

Corrected photo credit.

I see your Bishop is Bob Duncan. Lucky.