23 November 2010

"We're Mad As Hell, And We're Not Going To Take It Anymore" Reminder. (UPDATED ALL 'OPT-OUT' DAY)

If you are flying tomorrow (Wednesday, 24 November), don't forget it's National Opt-Out Day. If you or your family get picked for the strip-scan machine, ask to "opt-out" and make the former Wal-Mart associates TSA do an "enhanced pat-down". Be polite and respectful - treat them like you wish you were being treated. Take pictures or video if you can, and post them. Learn first-hand how your government treats you.

UPDATE 24NOV2010: Here is a great way to let TSA um, directly feel your displeasure - go 'Braveheart' on them:
Robert Shofkom wasn't too worried about delayed flights, maybe just strong breezes.

The 43-year-old from Georgetown, Texas, said he planned for weeks to wear a traditional kilt — sans skivvies — to display his outrage over body scanners and aggressive pat-downs while catching his Wednesday flight out of Austin.
UPDATE 24NOV2010: Video of a Speedo protest.

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