04 September 2009

Green Jobs For Red Goals.

President Obama said "green jobs" will be the critical savior and future of the American economy, and he tapped one Van Jones to spearhead this initiative. Here is Comrade... sorry, Mr. Jones' vision for going "green," which seems to have far more to do with Karl Marx and Eldridge Cleaver than Ed Begley, Jr. and SmartCars:

Yes, this is the same same Van Jones who organized a protest for a convicted cop-killer, called Republicans ass**les, signed a 9/11 'Truther" petition, and said white people are purposely polluting minority communities.

So what, dear readers, does putting Van Jones in this position say about the President's judgement, the President's values, and what The President wants to achieve by "going green"?

UPDATE: D'oh! I should read Pat Austin more often - she covered this much better than I ever will.

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