08 January 2010

Ethics Quiz.

There is a debate raging over implementing a certain government policy. You conclude that the claims by the side opposed the policy are, well, full of Landrieu - and you say so in public. Repeatedly. Your arguments carry great weight in the mind of the public and the press because you are an academic - an impartial and learned observer.

But you are also getting paid a tidy sum in public funds, under contract, to advise that same government on that policy. You should:

A) disclose this apparent conflict of interest up front.
B) say nothing knowing the press won't check.

Apparently, these days the answer is 'B'.

You are the head of the government administration paying for the above contracts. In support of your policy of having the most ethical and transparent administration in US history, you should:

A) disclose this apparent conflict of interest up front.
B) say nothing knowing the press won't check.

See the answer to the first question.

Its the Chicago Way.

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