07 January 2010

A Personal Note.

If you send me emails about the USDA declaring a disaster so they can secretly put chemicals in our food to control our minds, and you are about to "expose" this "truth" to the world, please remember that there is more to "research" than Google.

Today's my birthday. I'm too damn old to suffer paranoid fools gladly anymore.


Just Me said...

Happy Birthday!!!

I don't believe that they are putting chemicals in our food to control our minds; I do believe that there are things in our food that create health problems.

It's used to be just a theory, but then I actually changed my family's entire diet. My daughter's allergies vanished and after suffering from chronic pain & fatigue for 15 years; I haven't needed so much as a Tylenol in over a month.

And I get to eat a lot more reindeer so it's a win-win all the way around =)

.....CLIFFORD said...

Thanks, JM.

I'm not talking about what you've done. I do think there are harmful additives in food, and I commend you for stepping up to something I don't have the willpower to do. (Mmmm, donuts....)

But you did not make the change because you were convinced that there is a secret government conspiracy to use food additives to control our minds so we will be complacent while they implement the New World Order or One World Government; which, according to them, is all a cunning plan hatched by a family of 18th Century French winemakers. Or, was it the Pope? I can never keep my New World Orders in order.

And I do believe there are people who want power so that they can transform the world according to their self-created grand plan. Napoleon, Hitler, Mao, and the last 40 years of Detroit mayors come to mind. But their delusions of creating heaven on earth have always fallen to ruin: Napoleon and Hitler by the use of arms (plus huge egos and nasty Russian winters), Mao by the use of the profit motive, and Detroit by the use of moving vans. But the overarching reason for their failure is simple: They tried to impliment their global schemes using the mechanics government. Other killing people and breaking things, government is, by its nature, the most incompetent and inefficient way to get anything done. If government can not openly conspire to reliably deliver a one-ounce bit of folded paper across town, and conspire to make a profit at it while charging 44 cents a pop… then how in the heck can they secretly conspire to take over the world??

If Mao had really wanted to take over the world, he should have opened a department store in Benton, Arkansas.

.....CLIFFORD said...
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Just Me said...

I do miss beer. =(

On the other hand, the government is obviously fairly inept at monitoring the safety of the food & medicines we intake. I'm afraid to eat anything imported from China anymore.

The Grey Man said...

Boycott Convenience Stores!!! Remember that 7-11 has inside Jobs!!!