02 December 2010

Reading Between The Backscatter.

In trying to remind our government that 'gate rape' doesn't comport with that pesky Constitution thingy, some folks have painted slogans on themselves and some have stripped down to their skivvies. Others have worn only swimwear. One fellow, in a move I intend to emulate, wore a kilt.

Well, a company has come up with an even better way to let Janet and the Junk-grabbers (sounds like a great band name... -ed.) know that we don't appreciate being electronically strip-searched and/or sexually assaulted just to get on a plane: The 4th Amendment printed on underwear with metallic ink, so it will read clear as day in the X-ray. They also make them for kids that say, "Read the 4th Amendment, perverts".

Though, I guess great minds do think alike...

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