26 August 2008

The Ad Obama's Campaign Doesn't Want You To See.

Really. Mostly, I suppose, because it appears to be true. So have a look:

And this is important because it appears that Ayers' group, the Weather Underground, met with, and was influenced by, the same people who were at that time torturing John McCain.

UPDATE: The Obama campaign's pretty lame response. We're talking about the 60's because that's where most of the core values come from that Obama and the Democrats hold dear. The interventionist Nanny State is not a new idea; nor are 19th century notions of redistributionist tax policy.

UPDATE 27AUG08: Via Instapundit, the Chicago Boyz point out the real problem with Bill Ayers:

"As I have noted before, the real troubling aspect of the Obama-Ayers relationship is that Obama comes from a political subculture in which Ayers is an accepted and unremarkable individual. Looking at Ayers, one is forced to ask exactly what kind of leftist extremism would be considered unacceptable by Obama and his cohorts."

UPDATE 27AUG08: The Obama Campaign's response to the Ayers commercial (see link above) says none of it should matter because it was 40 years ago, and besides, Barack was only 8 then. Well, here is a piece - from April of this year so it is not a new story - by someone who had momentary relationship with Ayers and his comrades in 1970:

During the April 16 debate between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, moderator George Stephanopoulos brought up “a gentleman named William Ayers,” who “was part of the Weather Underground in the 1970s. They bombed the Pentagon, the Capitol, and other buildings. He’s never apologized for that.” Stephanopoulos then asked Obama to explain his relationship with Ayers. Obama’s answer: “The notion that somehow as a consequence of me knowing somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago, when I was eight years old, somehow reflects on me and my values, doesn’t make much sense, George.” Obama was indeed only eight in early 1970. I was only nine then, the year Ayers’s Weathermen tried to murder me.

Read it all.

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