07 August 2008

Going FEMA.

FEMA. They make the Post Office look good:

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa – A FEMA inspector, angered at a pedestrian who got in his way, allegedly took out a golf club, chased the pedestrian down and bashed him across the arm, breaking the club in the process.

According to the Cedar Rapids Gazette, the incident Friday grew out of an argument, which started after the inspector nearly drove over the pedestrian, and ended with witnesses surrounding the car to prevent the inspector from escaping before authorities arrived.

And I loved this:

According to the Cedar Rapids Police Department, Koley stopped the car, got out and insisted that "he didn't have to slow down, he was with FEMA."

UPDATE 08AUG08: Checking my stats this AM, it looks like I might have made somebody at FEMA vewwwy, vewwwy mad. Awwww. I hope they don't play golf....

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