24 September 2008

Table Reservations.

In the aftermath of Bishop Robert Duncan being thrown out of the House of Bishops, someone in the Reader Responses at Episcopal Life Online, one Nancy Cooper, of Missoula, Montana, opines:

I think it's important for Episcopalians to know the names of the clergy who are not willing to sit at the table with their brothers and sisters of the ECUSA.

I couldn't agree more, Nancy. So here you go:

Smith, Kirk
Benfield, Larry
Alexander, Neil
Marshall, Paul
Andrus, Mark
Duncan, Philip
Adams, Skip
Baxter, Nathan
Lee, Jeffrey
O'Neill, Robert
Smith, Andrew
Daniel, Clifton
Ousley, Todd
Gray-Reeves, Mary
Howard, John
Louttit, Henry
Bainbridge, Harry
Waynick, Catherine
Wolfe, Dean
Gulick, Edwin
Sauls, Stacy
Bruno, Jon
Lane, Stephen
Sutton, Eugene
Gibbs, Wendell
Jelinek, James
Smith, George Wayne
Burnett, Joe
Robinson, Gene
Sisk, Mark
Beckwith, Mark
Curry, Michael
Beisner, Barry
Rowe, Sean
Hollingsworth, Mark
Mathes, James
Lamb (Provisional)
Frade, Leo
Buchanan (Interim)
Powell, Neff
Waggoner, James
Irish, Carolyn Tanner
Ely, Thomas
Chane, John
Howe, Barry
Scruton, Gordon
Garrison, Michael
Taylor, Granville
Caldwell, Bruce

What? Not quite the list you wanted? Pray tell me - are traditionalists like me no longer your "brothers and sisters?" I don't want to walk away, Nancy, but where's our place at the table? It's very hard to remain when you are being told, in effect, "Shut up or shove off. It's our table now."

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