23 September 2008

Ya Gotta Admit, The Lady's Got Some Ba'als.

The Former Episcopal Bishop of Nevada, that is. She will be officiating at a worship service for the UN's Millennium Development Goals (peace be upon them), with our Gracious Lord of Indecision Canterbury in tow.

This bit of interesting analysis on the Goals (peace be upon them) can be found here:

“It goes down a bureaucratic rat-hole, lining the pockets of people who are connected to the power structure,” said Hanke, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute. “It’s basically a system to redistribute income from middle class people in the United States to rich people in poor countries. It never reaches those people who are living on a dollar a day.”

Note also in the same piece that The Messiah wants to throw lots of your money at the Goals (peace be upon them) if he gets into office. Surprise, surprise.

(For those who don't know what a ba'al is, go here.)

Hattip: T19.


FrDarryl said...
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FrDarryl said...

From the standpoint of Catholic Personalism, the MGDs sound pretty good to me. If the methods and mechanics are faulty, I couldn't comment intelligently or intelligibly.

If, on the other hand, the MDGs are a pretext to foist abortion, artificial contraception, and other gravely disordered behaviours on populations in exchange for our noble and paternal western generosity, then I have problems.

Catholic Social Teaching is like that. Its doctrines are rational, but only considered in context with the entire Deposit of Faith, which itself is grounded in Divine Revelation.

Secularism does as secularism is. It all begins with heresy: choosing what you like instead of the assenting to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, i.e., the ubi, semper et omnibus Catholic Faith.