12 June 2008

Finally - Change We Can Believe In.

Well, more likely to happen than the "change" that prophet from Chicago is preaching about. Creative Minority Report says we are all supposed to die today. Really:

A self-styled prophet from central Texas is giving doomsday predicting another shot by pegging Thursday as the start of a world-ending nuclear war.

"It could be turned loose before then," Yisrayl "Buffalo Bill" Hawkins told ABC's "20/20" for a report to be broadcast Friday night. "You are going to see this very soon, really soon."

In a sense, I'm relieved. It'll cut down on the wait times at the Wendy's drive-thru.

UPDATE 13JUNE08: I woke up this morning. I looked out my intact window and didn't see a scorched, irradiated back yard. Oh, well.

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