24 January 2009

Cult Of Personality.

A group of Hollywood types got together recently and did an updated cover of Living Color's 'Cult of Personality'. Really:

And yes, at 3:45 they actually say, “I pledge to be a servant to our President…” Orwell was right.

UPDATE: Via Rachel Lucas, Iowahawk has an "unofficial" transcript that's a must read.


Ontario Emperor said...

Perhaps it's just me, but I find it incredibly funny when a Hollywood actress type pledges to reduce her use of plastics.

Recently I read something in AMERICAblog that was proud of the way in which Bush has been erased from the national consciousness. Apparently the Orwellian/Stalinist implications of the statement escaped both Aravosis and the Newsweek writer.

Ontario Emperor said...

Correction. The Newsweek writer understood the implications very well. It's Aravosis that either missed them, or celebrated the New World Order that he foresaw.