07 January 2009

Yes, It's True - I'm 50.

No use avoiding it. Today I enter the world of AARP, Depends, Viagra and Fixodent.

Just yesterday I was sitting in studio at LSU with my girlfriend (now wife), a Rapidograph pen in one hand and a cigarette in the other, hoping to finish a rendering in time to watch Hill Street Blues.

What the hell happened??


Ontario Emperor said...

What happened? NBC must have changed its schedule. I'm not sure what time Hill Street Blues is on any more.

I'll catch up with you in three years.

P.S. You forgot Geritol, which is a wunnerful wunnerful thing, or so Lawrence Welk says.

Ontario Emperor said...

Hey, I got you a birthday present.

Anonymous said...

Hill Street Blues fans reading this, may be interested to know there is an active fans website and Egroup, both of which can be found from this link http://www.hillstreetblues.tv

Regards Andy