23 January 2009

Stimulate Me!

In the same article linked to in the last post was this tidbit:
...whom he had invited to the White House to discuss his nearly $1 trillion stimulus package.
A TRILLION DOLLARS?????? We still have that kind of jack laying round the Treasury after Pelosi, Dodd, Reid, and Frank raided it (with George W's help, I might add) to cover their butts after f***ing up the US financial industry in order to buy off Democrat voting blocks? I'd bet no.

Do you realize how big a trillion is?

That's $1,000,000,000.000.00.
That's a thousand billion dollars.
That's about enough for 500 B-2 Bombers.
That's a number most calculators can't display.
That's about, in miles, 270 times greater than the distance to Pluto.
That's about 7% of the entire 2008 US Gross Domestic Product (on top of the earlier, $750 billion "bailout".
That's about $3,300.00 for every American. Legal and illegal.
That's... a lot of IOUs to Chinese Communists, fundamentalist Saudis, and fair-weather European "allies". Which our children and grandchildren will be saddled with paying back.

Ponder that for a bit. Is this really the change we were looking for?

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