22 April 2008

Why I Can't Be A Lefty Democrat.

I actually paid attention in history class.

Image by "dead-ro"

Doublly ironic as this fellow was protesting at the Olympic torch run, which was started by.....

Anyone? Anyone?

UPDATE 22APR08: While I posted this image above, it is certianlly not mine. I can't remember where I got it from, but the original image appears to be from one 'dead-ro', who took it along with several other pictures of the 9 April torch protest in San Francisco. Jonathan Kay gives some context. If the image is fake, I hereby invoke the Dan Rather rule: "Fake, but accurate."


James H said...

That is so sad yet so funny.

Anonymous said...

seems like you're stereotyping liberals, no?

.....CLIFFORD said...

Stereotyping?? Moi?

Only bitter people clinging to guns, religion, antipathy to people who aren’t like them and an anti-immigrant sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations, would ever resort to stereotyping.

Anonymous said...


.....CLIFFORD said...

Strawman? Who do you think I am, Bill Ayers?

You don't need an ivory-tower, ex-hippie terrorist to know which way the wind blows, y'know.