31 January 2008

Irony, Defined.

One for the "You can't make this kind of stuff up" file:

A man is arrested for breaking into an Episcopal Church to.... watch pornography. And his day job? A clerk for the New Jersey State Police.

But given our current church leadership's obsession with their "prophetic gift", can you blame the guy for thinking an Episcopal Church is an acceptable place to watch porn?


Ontario Emperor said...

OK, if you want to hear a reasoned, respectful rant, have you heard about the joint Episcopal-Hindu service that was held in Los Angeles last month? Not only did the Episcopal bishop apologize for proselytizing, but the service included a 2-for-1 communion in which Christians received bread and wine and Hindus received flowers...or perhaps some Hindus took bread also. Very odd. (Pomona, by the way, is just a few miles west of my hometown of Ontario, California.)

.....CLIFFORD said...

Yes, I head about it. Another one of our stellar moments, that was. Add that to the Wiccan-Episcopalains, Muslim-Episcopalians, and even Agnostic-Episcopalians, and it seems the only theology the leadership of The Episcopal Church (tm) is not interested in anymore is, well, Christianity.

Chris Johnson at MCJ has more about it at www.themcj.com. Plus he has lots of other rapier-wit commentary on my church delivered far better than I ever will.