31 January 2008

Semper Ignavus.

So much for the "We oppose the war, but support the troops." mantra: A bunch of self-absorbed, self-righteous, anti-American cowards, sorry, the Berkley City Council, goes on record as hating the US Marines.

Here's an idea: Let's see the reaction if some City Council voted to tell an abortion clinic that "is not welcome in the city, and if the providers choose to stay, they do so as uninvited and unwelcome intruders." And the City government gave special preference to, say, Operation Rescue, with special parking permits for the front of the building and special permit allowing them to protest.

Why is it when the Left speaks of "choice", they seem to confine it to the realm of a woman's body. Let's apply it equally - don't men have a choice with what they do with their bodies? And since it's mostly men who join the Corps, isn't Code Pink doing to these patriotic young men, and patriotic young women, exactly what the Left claims Operation Rescue does to women at abortion clinics? That is, trying to prevent them from freely exercising their choice by intimidation and harassment? I guess the Berkeley City Council thinks it's different if the choice is something they don't like.

UPDATE: Or how about a City Council resolution somewhere that said "illegal aliens are not welcome in the city, and if they choose to stay, they do so as uninvited and unwelcome intruders?" Which would, if you think about it, simply be reastating what is already law. Bet it would be reported on NPR....

UPDATE: Glenn Reynolds links to this piece, written today making the comparison if it had been a NAARL office and the City Council had given preference to Operation Rescue. A good analogy, which RSR readers knew two days ago. Advantage, RSR!

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