22 January 2008

"Our Secretary-General, Who Art In The United Nations....."

A while ago, Anglican blogger Chris Johnson postulated the following (I paraphrase): "Any joke you can make about The Episcopal Church (tm), no matter how bizarre or loony, will eventually come true."

Case in point: There is a liturgy being used in lieu of the "Stations of the Cross" in some of the more, um, liberal Episcopal Churches, and is also being recommended for Lenten devotional. It is called, and I am not making this up, the "Stations of the Millennium Development Goals". Note that it appears to be drafted by someone at The Episcopal Church (tm) headquarters, and it's deeply religious reflections include calculating carbon footprints and writing your Congressman, among others.

Yes, it's true - The Episcopal Church (tm) is actually encouraging the worship of a UN Program.

First the Clown Liturgy, now this; is it any wonder we are loosing, on average, close to a thousand people a week?

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