24 January 2008

What's A FredHead To Do?

I've had a few days to digest the news that Fred Thompson has bowed out, and to consider my options for the future.

And I'm not happy with what I see.

As Matthew wisely said, we should take a look at the three issues most important to us when we are looking at a candidate. Mine are, in more or less order of importance:

Fight and win The Terror War.
Defend our Constitution and our Rights.
Restore our sovereignty and our borders.

So, what to do?

First, I won't consider the Democrats. They can't answer "yes" to any of my three issues. Heck, none of 'em could even answer "maybe." What they offer are a hyper-rich lawyer with great hair and no message, a third term for Bill Clinton, or a black Jimmy Carter. Please.

As for the GOP, the choices are not much better. Mitt Romney? He's a "Massachusetts conservative", which in most of the the country translates into "liberal". I should know, I lived in the Bay State for years. He has flip-flopped on most every issue, and any "yes" answer he could give to my three issues would be suspect. Mike Huckabee? A lightweight Bill Clinton (in more ways than one) with a Bible. Again, I don't trust him. Rudy Guliani? He's Mitt Romney, only more personable and more liberal. He may fight the War, though. And then there's John McCain. He ain't no Barry Goldwater, but his message has been more consistent than the others on my three issues. Yes, there is that that McCain-Finegold disaster, but he is a veteran, he is from a border state (he understands the border issue), he says what he believes, and he really believes in winning The Terror War.

"What about Ron Paul, the Only Savior Of The Human Race (tm)??", I hear some of you scream. (And scream loudly.) Let me make this simple in a way the Ronbots will understand: life, is a wee bit more complicated than a Dungeons and Dragons game. Really. Suits of +7 armor of car bombing invincibility" do not exist. They are not even in development. So when Ron Paul says he will copy the Democrats and pursue a "Brave Sir Robin" foreign policy, I switch him off. He doesn't even get past my first issue. Plus, with friends like this......

So right now this FredHead is leaning toward McCain. But I ain't sold. Not at all.

1 comment:

Greta Perry said...

Yep - leaning towards McCain too. I NEVER thought I'd say that. Humble pie tastes OK