24 December 2008

The Messiah Is Not A Crook.

Think of all the national nightmarish years we could have avoided back in the 1970's if Richard Nixon had only done something like this:

Obama team probe of Obama team finds no Obama team impropriety.

And the Mainstream Media's reaction to this self-exculpation? Well, it ain't exactly Woodward and Bernstein. Notice how this Reuters report tries to imply in the lede that was the Federal prosecutors who cleared Obama by making no mention of who authored the "internal report":
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Barack Obama and a top aide have been interviewed by prosecutors investigating Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, but an internal report released on Tuesday cleared them of any wrongdoing.
And only a passing reference to "incoming White House attorney Greg Craig" later in the piece. You have to read the Reuters article carefully to determine who issued the report clearing Team Obama, because nowhere does it state directly that it was authored by Team Obama.

I strongly suspect we have four more years of this kind of thing ahead of us.

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