12 December 2008

Fun With Google, Or, This Has Gotta Piss Off Somebody At 815 Second Avenue.

Type in "episcopal church welcomes you" into Google, dear readers, and lo! Number four on the results list is this post I did back in December 2007, which highlights a dandy example of that 'Piskie new thing idea of "radical welcome." RSR is even listed higher in the results than the Diocese of Olympia's website.


mousestalker said...

Even better, the linky below yours is to Bruce Garner's church (All Saints, Atlanta)

Anonymous said...

It seems you've generated enough hits on Google to have your post bumped up to #3. Congratulations!

Ontario Emperor said...

I still got number four, but a search on mobile Google last night showed the Red Stick Rant post at number 3. I'll try to reference it often. :)