06 August 2007

Blogger Calls My Readers Diseased Wombats! Or, Something Like That.

A few days ago, I linked to a nice fellow who claims to be the Emperor of Ontario, California. Leaving aside the ego necessary to make such a claim, I decided to mention him here on my little site. I even suggested my readers go over to his site and participate in his presidential straw pole - which pitted the Ontario Emperor against a stick. Of course, we here at Red Stick Rant are partial to the stick vote in general, and specifically to any stick willing to run for President. Literally all of my readers participated, showing once again the power of "Stickmates" in the national political process. (Final tally is Stick, 10 votes; Ontario Emperor, 1 vote. Which I'm guessing is his mom.)

And how does the Emperor repay our willingness to be a part of his democratic process? By claiming that I, your humble blogger, participated in a scheme of "unparalleled negative campaigning"!!!!!!!! HA! I say again, HA! I feel so soiled and unclean now. Even after my weekly shower. So, Mr. Emperor of funky-California-town-with-Frank-Ghery-buildings, I demand we settle this like men. I would suggest pistols at dawn, but I know that California has all those girly-man gun control laws. Therefore, I suggest we do something more, I don't know.... West Coast: I suggest we pummel each other with over-ripe, organically grown avocados - to the death, or until one of us makes a decent guacamole.

What say you, Emperor??