07 August 2007

Score One (UPDATE: No, Two!) For The Good Guys.

A video from Iraq. The "Surge" seems to be working, and there's a lot more of this kind of thing going on than the Mainstream Media admits. Michael Yon has updates: Bread and a Circus, Part II of II.

UPDATE: Here is a link to more videos on YouTube from Coalition Forces. Why don't we see more of this in the Mainstream Media? Oh yeah, I forgot - we're not supposed to win......

UPDATE: And what does the Mainstream Media think about or troops? The New Republic, a lefty-ish mag read by the Hillary Clinton types, published several stories by a soldier detailing first-hand accounts of some less-than-honorable conduct by our troops. You've probably heard about those already. But what you didn't hear is that his stories just didn't check out, and were found to be exaggerations and outright falsehoods. I'll bet my bottom dollar that the truth will not be trumpeted as loudly as the initial stories. Like I said, we're not supposed to win. To the press, we're the bad guys.

UPDATE: Via Instapundit, it seems at least some of the Mainstream Media is noticing success in Iraq. And more on the New Republic / fake stories scandal here.