24 August 2007

Episcopal 'Wiki-gate' Update II.

To follow up on a story I blogged about here, and here: EpiscopalLife Online has this article saying Presiding Bishop Katherine Jefferts Schori denies any involvement in the editing of Wikipedia entries to erase damaging information about Episcopal Bishop Charles Bennison. The story about the doctoring of the Wikipedia entry was first reported by VirtueOnline in May. The person who made the damaging edits, Bishop Bennison's assistant, Barbara Alton, has since said she was acting on her own.

For what it's worth, I take the Presiding Bishop at her word on this one. For all that I may disagree with her on theological grounds (and we disagree om a lot), I see no motive for her in this silliness. She has (pardon the pun) bigger fish to fry right now, and I do I think she is that petty and shallow. The damaging information about Bishop Bennison was already common knowledge and can be found in other sources around the 'Net. (Try Google.) So removing it from Wikipedia would serve no real purpose for the Presiding Bishop. It seems more realistic that Ms. Alton was just very loyal to her employer.

The September 30 deadline, and the US House of Bishops Meeting, are both fast approaching. We have far more important things to worry about as Episcopalians right now.