17 August 2007

Flowers Are Easier, And Work Just As Well.

To take your mind off hurricanes, corruption, and war, just remember that 18 August is 'Bad Poetry Day'. C'mon, guys, admit it. We've all tried our hand at "rhyming profound", thinking we could get laid if we could just channel our inner Shakespeare. And if you were anything like me, it didn't work. I wrote a poem to a girlfriend once, thinking I was pouring out my inner feelings and writing her the "sonnet for the ages". But I never had the nerve to show it to her, and a good thing, too. I found it years later and I was surprised my eyeballs didn't melt, or the pages didn't burst into flames, when I read it. Lordy, was it bad. I mean, beyond Vogon bad. Author Robert Heinlein, who didn't write poetry, postulated that it wasn't murder if you shot a poet who read his own verse in public. If they're 17, I quite agree.

And mark your calendars now, because 31 August is 'National Trail-Mix Day'. Yeah, I can't wait, either.