18 December 2009

A War To Watch.

Did you know there was a shooting war going on the Saudi-Yemeni border? You do now. The Saudi and Yemeni governments are fighting an uber-hardline Islamic group on their border - the Houthi - who appear to be supplied by Iran and who's motto is "God Is the Greatest, Death to America, Death to Israel, a Curse on the Jews, Victory to Islam". A real tolerant and enlightened bunch.

The Saudis, with all the latest hip tactical weaponry their oil money can buy, don't appear to be doing all that well. Lots of posed pictures and shooting at nothing. (Hint: The training and discipline of the man behind the weapon is as important as the weapon itself. -ed.) And from looking at the videos, it seems the Yemeni government forces seem to be getting their clocks cleaned.

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